Custom-built Applications for
the Ultimate Experience and
Creative Expression

Custom Applications
– to rule them all!

With the current technological development, where more devices enter our daily life, the number of interaction touch-points significantly increases. They cause forming not only new user habits but also highly refined customer expectations.

Most of the platforms, cloud or otherwise offer a great number of possibilities to design and build custom-tailored features and functionality, but as platforms, they function within certain limitations.
When such limitations are met, extending functionality by developing additional features or applications in order to address business needs and create an even better user experience would be the right choice.

Building great applications requires understanding and experience in certain areas such as User Interface Design, API development, Hosting and Infrastructure, and more, but most importantly Security and Data Privacy Compliance.

User Interface Design

Building the right GUI and UX, in general, can be a daunting task especially in today’s fast-changing trends. However, there are certain design principles that can help in the process, and ensure the application serves its basic purpose in the most optimal way. Additionally, all our work is conducted based on our 3Ds model (Discover, Define, Design), which ensures a streamlined and agile design process.

Data Modeling

As part of any Application Development process, creating a solid Data Model is the most essential step when building high-performing and scalable applications. We pay great attention to this part of the development process, ensuring the designed Data Model is future-proof and flexible in terms of security, future upgrades, and alterations.

Application Architecture

A study conducted by Stripe and Harris Poll states that badly written code costs organizations, over $300B annually.
We make sure we spend the necessary time and resources to document, design, and plan before any development activities take place, so we reduce the overall tech-depth and time spent on debugging, which can significantly impact Customer Satisfaction and overall User Experience.

Cloud Infrastructure

High-performing applications require secure and scalable cloud hosting infrastructure. However if not properly configured, scalability and performance often come at a high price. Making sure the right decision for which services or architectural style should be deployed, e.g. Serverless vs Containers vs Microservices will have a great impact on the overall application specs and technical debt.


Selecting the right framework, or programing language will make a significant impact on the overall time, hence cost.
Our experience spreads across several languages and frameworks, such as NodeJS (GraphQL)+MongoDB, AMPscript, Apex, SSJS, HTML, CSS, Ionic 5 (Angular), Objective-C, and more.

Integration and Deployment

Application Development as a process highly relies on setting up the right CI/CD pipeline. This will not only speed up the integration and deployment but will also reduce the chances for significant code failures which can cost the business in downtime.
Our preferred setup of the CI/CD process is based on Atlassian Bitbucket Pipelines and AWS.

Monitoring and Maintenance

Performing and reliable applications are due to constant monitoring and improvements. It is extremely important to be able to monitor all backend and frontend services in order to render valuable insights, not only to evaluate the overall performance but also the application usability and user experience.

Are you looking for other ways to boost your Brand CX?
Perhaps custom-built apps could be the next choice.

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