Empower Your Tech Teams
with Skilled Project Management,
Structure, and Processes

Project Management

We live in a time of progressive digital transformation, where customer-centric technologies such as Marketing Automation and CRM platforms revolutionize many industries and organizations.
As a result, they create additional requirements for more specialized and experienced teams. A big part of these requirements is aimed at project management as a key central role for each project, no matter if Salesforce related or custom-coded solutions.

For instance, a successful project manager role would have deeper technical expertise with a clear overview and understanding of the specific platforms, and processes.
This is certainly important when defining the project stages, milestones, and deadlines.

To sum up, providing the necessary Project Manager skills with a technical enough understanding of Marketing Automation, CRM, APIs, and Cloud Solutions, will ensure harmonized project flow, and consistent project deliverables within the envisioned timeframes and milestones.

Planning and Coordination

As part of our expertise, we provide full assistance in ensuring projects are scoped, planned, and executed with more precision, taking into account many variables related to MarTech based projects, covering various activities such as scope definition, project planning, estimations, documentation specifications such as SoW, Debriefs, and more.

Organization and Management

Planning and Coordination is one thing, executing and organizing a project is another. We provide assistance and expertise in project execution, covering activities such as collaboration processes/platforms setup, gathering feedback, internal/external communication, resource management, and more.

Agile Processes

Agile has for some time now been transforming even the largest of organizations, introducing better work management tools, processes, and methods, based on people-first principles, and more flexible planning and execution, based on several methodologies among which the most popular are Kanban, Sprint, XP, and Lean. We are SAFe certified and can help in providing assistance around your existing processes, configure platforms such as Atlassian Jira, and make sure your people are trained and onboarded to adopt such ways of work.

Technical Projects require technical management skills to keep the teams aligned and engaged.
Most importantly deliver on the given deadline!

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