
In today’s world, making customers happy is everything for a business. It’s like the golden ticket to standing out in a sea of endless choices and keeping people coming back for more. But here’s the thing: while companies are going all-in on crafting those wow moments for customers, they’re missing a big piece of the puzzle—how their employees feel and experience their own work life.

Think of Employee Experience (EX) as the behind-the-scenes journey an employee goes on with a company, from the moment they think about applying to the day they say their goodbyes. It’s all the stuff that makes work feel good or, well, not so good. And it turns out, how employees feel at work has a massive impact on the magic they can whip up for customers. But despite its big role, EX often ends up in the shadows, not getting the spotlight it deserves. So, let’s dive into why flipping the script and giving EX the attention it needs could be the secret sauce for businesses wanting to hit the jackpot with customer happiness.

The Undervalued Asset: Employee Experience

Companies are pouring time, money, and energy into making sure customers are over the moon with their services or products. But here’s the twist: in their full-on pursuit of CX, they’re overlooking a critical element—the Employee Experience (EX).

Imagine a restaurant that looks amazing and promises the best dining experience. But if the chefs and waitstaff are unhappy, overworked, and just not feeling it, chances are, the food and service will be pretty lackluster. That’s exactly what’s happening in many companies. They forget that the backbone of incredible customer experiences is their employees. If the team isn’t happy, motivated, and supported, making customers happy is going to be an uphill battle.

Rebecca Zucker in Forbes nails it when she talks about the direct link between happy employees and happy customers. It’s like a domino effect; when employees feel good about where they work and what they do, they pass that positivity onto customers. It’s not rocket science, but it’s something a lot of companies overlook. They get so caught up in external perks and promises to customers that they forget about the internal engine driving it all—their people.

This oversight isn’t just a small hiccup; it’s a massive missed opportunity. Happy employees don’t just stick around longer; they also go the extra mile because they believe in what they’re doing and who they’re doing it for. And when that kind of energy and dedication is channeled towards customer service, it creates experiences that customers can’t help but rave about. So, the lesson here? Never underestimate the power of a happy, engaged team. They’re the secret ingredient to that winning CX recipe.

The Economic Impact of Ignoring EX

Alright, let’s talk numbers, because they don’t lie. There’s this eye-opening report from Salesforce that throws down some pretty big news: companies that aren’t paying attention to Employee Experience (EX) might be waving goodbye to a whopping 50% in potential revenue growth. Ignoring EX doesn’t just hurt feelings; it hits where it really hurts—your wallet.

So, why does skipping on EX cost so much? It’s all about the ripple effects. First up, employee retention and satisfaction. Imagine if your workplace feels more like a chore than a career. People are going to start looking for the exit signs, and before you know it, you’re spending big bucks on hiring and training new folks, only to watch them walk away too. It’s a vicious cycle that costs a lot more than just a hit to morale.

But here’s where it gets even more interesting. Happy and engaged employees aren’t just sticking around longer; they’re also working smarter and harder. This boost in productivity means better products, services, and customer interactions. And what does that lead to? You guessed it—more loyal customers who keep coming back for more and are happy to spread the word about how awesome you are.

This chain reaction from EX to the bottom line isn’t some magic trick; it’s real, and it’s powerful. Investing in EX is like planting a money tree that keeps on giving. Better employee experiences lead to more dedicated and productive teams, which in turn, fuels customer loyalty and, ultimately, revenue growth. So, if companies want to see their profits soar, it’s time to start nurturing their biggest asset—their people. Because as the Salesforce report highlights, the cost of ignoring EX is a price too steep to pay.

The Future of Employee and Customer Experience

Looking ahead, the intersection of Employee Experience (EX) and Customer Experience (CX) is where the magic is set to happen. This growing recognition of their interdependence is shaping up to be a major trend. As businesses begin to truly understand that happy employees lead to happy customers. We are poised to see some exciting shifts in both technology and workplace culture.

Enter Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, the unsung heroes in this evolving landscape. CRMs are set to play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between EX and CX. How? By providing employees with the tools they need to understand and serve customers better. Imagine a CRM system that doesn’t just hold customer data but also offers insights and recommendations to employees on how to personalize customer interactions. This kind of technology empowers employees, making their jobs easier and more fulfilling. The positive impact on customer satisfaction can be huge.

Moreover, as remote and hybrid work becomes more normalized, the challenge and opportunity to maintain a strong company culture and employee engagement also grow. Innovative CRMs like Salesforce can help bridge physical distances, keeping remote teams connected to each other and to the heart of the company’s mission: delivering outstanding customer experiences.

Already now, we see more AI and ML integrated into CRM systems, providing deeper insights into customer behavior and preferences. This technology can help anticipate customer needs, tailor communications, and even predict future trends. All this makes employees’ roles more strategic and impactful.


The future of EX and CX is intertwined, with technology like CRM systems playing a key role in enhancing both. As companies invest in these areas, they’re not just betting on software; they’re investing in their people and their customers. The result? A virtuous cycle of satisfaction and success that bring businesses into a new era of growth and innovation.

About Advension

Advension is a Salesforce Certified Consultant and an ISV Partner. We bring over 15 years of expertise in building and maintaining Innovative CRM Solutions. Employee Experience is one of the key focus areas in our Consulting Business.

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